Friday, September 9, 2011


Yesterday we had a choppy, windy motor passed Singer Castle and Brockville (where dad was born) to Ogdensburg, NY. Ogdensburg is a strange somewhat nice, somewhat run-down city where waterfront property clearly isn’t valued, but people are very friendly.

Singer Castle
Getting into the marina we noticed there are no sailboats here and did some sketchy docking on a tall wall with few cleats along it. When Mom asked the staff how deep it is they responded with a shrug and a “no idea.” FYI we are currently sitting on the bottom. But it’s no big deal, as when we all get off the boat it begins to float again. 

Ogdensburg is odd to say the least. Last night we witnessed a steady stream of people drive around the roundabout in the parking lot beside the wall we’re tied to, some circling leisurely, others ripping around with tires squealing. It was pretty funny to witness, actually, and we all couldn’t help but wonder if this is some sort of nightly ritual here. 

We are still in Ogdensburg today waiting for packages to arrive, but happily this is giving us time to get repairs done and wash some laundry in the sunlight. Plus it's nice to see the sun again after what feels like days and days of grey clouds threatening rain!

Until next time,

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